On Wednesday June 21, 2023, Jaunt announced the election of new officers to its board of directors. The officers were elected by current members of Jaunt’s board of directors.
Jaunt’s new officers are:
President—Brad Burdette (Nelson County)
Vice President—Harold (Hal) Morgan (Fluvanna County)
Treasurer—Jacob Sumner (Albemarle County)
Secretary—Christine Appert (City of Charlottesville)
Immediate Past President—Bill Wuensch (Albemarle County)
The board re-appointed Lucas Ames (City of Charlottesville) to the Executive Committee.
Officer terms are for one year and begin July 1, 2023.
Jaunt is Central Virginia’s regional public transit system. The agency’s board members are chosen by the localities they represent. As board positions become available, qualified and interested persons may contact their local Board of Supervisors, or City Council office, for application procedures.
Jaunt is Central Virginia’s regional public transit system, connecting people to their community. Jaunt delivers convenient and reliable service with its on-demand and commuter routes, all through the use of current technology and a customer-focused approach. Jaunt is a public service corporation, owned by the region’s five local governments, and operating with financial assistance from community partnerships, federal and state transit grants, and local government funding support.